Saturday 11 June 2011

The Education of a Young mind - and an old one!

Who says you cant teach old dogs new tricks (not that i am a dog!).  Finally Distance Education is closer to being a reality!  All the paperwork went in today. We did the meet and greet and checked out the libary etc. Pretty awesome place. The building is really old and built 1877. Its gorgeous.  I would put a picture here but its protected by copyright and being the good person i am i dont want to do the wrong thing. So if you want to have a gander click on the link

I think Christie will blossom. The school work is structured especially for her, not a classroom of 25 other kids.  They have 'mini school' which she will attend with a small group of other kids who are enrolled in DEd, as well as some 'regular' kids. This will give her the socialisation aspect of school.  They also have special activities, excursions and even camp. 

I too will have to learn in order to help her learn.  Maths is the one that i am nervous about, not that i am bad at it, but that they do it so different these days! 

We have some catching up to do but i think she will be just fine - so long as she doesnt sack the teacher lol

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