Thursday 30 June 2011

Kids - Funny things they say & Do

All kids say the funniest things at some time in their lives.  I know my lot did, and STILL do. They also have had some really cute names for things.

These are the sorts of things i want to remember. For some reason its easier to recall the  BIG things in life & these precious little moments can fade away.

For some reason my memory decided to go on strike for several years and what i recall of the kids early years (especially Christies) is very limited.  Here, i hope to record memories as they 'pop' into my head.

My most recent 'funny thing' was said just last night. We were out for dinner and the menu said Guinness Meat Pie.  My darling Hayley girl was horrified because she thought is said GUINEA PIG PIE!!  

When Declan was a toddler he used to call Cordial 'diddyal'.

The kids will argue with me as to which child this was and i say it was Hayley, who when approx 2yrs old poked  her great-grandmas cat in the butt hole and said loudly 'BUM'.... the cat wasn't impressed but i thought it was pretty funny.

Hayley was wanting to know something about the washing machine a couple of years ago and came out with  "the washer of clothes" because she couldn't recall what it was actually called! 

Christie approx 3yrs, when asked if she wanted toast for breakfast:  "no actually i prefer weetbix".   wow, i thought, big words and correct context and all. To this day she has a wonderful vocabulary and comprehension ability.

At the moment Christie, when asked to do something says "no thank you" which when u think about it is much better than straight out telling me NO! and i always find myself simply accepting that she doesn't want to do whatever it was!

As i remember things i will continue to add watch this space

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